Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Transition Time: Big Boy Bed

We have officially moved Deji into his big boy bed, and he has really surprised us. He stays in his bed and waits for us to come get him in the morning when he wakes up. I thought we would have a couple of days of him getting up, but he didn't really do that. We are in the process of moving the boys into the guest room and setting up their old room for the baby. I am really getting excited. Can't wait for the dynamics of our family to change.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Today was one of those days that I had to ask myself what I am doing having three kids. It is hard enough to be running after two energetic boys, and then we are adding one more to the equation. The boys did not nap today. They were busy talking to each other. I knew they were tired, but they fought it and eventually Ryan went and got them out of the room. I knew it was going to be a long night, especially since Ryan had practice. Deji ended up falling asleep at the dinner table. I felt bad, that I had to wake him up, but I wanted to go and see my friend get baptized tonight. I had to give Femi a spanking while there, but he behaved afterwards. He gets so silly when he is tired. He doesn't want to listen and behave. Oh well. I am proud of myself for going out in public with two very tired boys. Things are going to get more challenging, but I am blessed with two wonderful boys whom I love very much.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Zoo Time with Friends

We wanted to keep the 3rd birthday thing small. So Femi just took two friends to the Zoo. Carter and Isaac were fun to hang out with.

Femi's 3rd Birthday

Femi turned 3, June 8th. I can't believe my baby is getting so big. I decorated the dinning room and put balloons in his room while he was asleep. When he woke up and saw the balloons he said "Whoa, what is this", it was priceless. Then I had him close his eyes and come into the dinning room for his birthday breakfast. The look on his face was priceless when he opened his eyes. Alas that picture and others were erased from my camera. It was either Ryan's doing or a nice lady at the dinosaur exhibit. You see after breakfast and many pictures we went to Science city for the dinosaur exhibit (way over priced), we took pictures all throughout and at the very end a nice lady wanted to take a family picture. After she took the pictures Ryan took the camera from her and was like where are the other pictures. I honestly think that he erased the pictures by accident. See this was my new camera and he didn't know how to work it yet. I am still upset by the thought of loosing those pictures, but oh well, what am I going to do. We did get pictures at the end and with my sisters when we took him to the T-Rex restaurant at the Legends.

Back for Summer!

Okay, so I did not do so well with my New Year's Resolution, about updating the blog every week. I take full responsibility, but I do have to say that I have legit reasons. Reason number 1: Deji broke our computer. Reason number 2: I couldn't access my pictures. I think those are two solid reasons for not blogging for so long. But I am back. I will try my hardest to keep updated. There is nothing like a mid-year resolution. Get ready for some back enteries.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Power Struggle

We had the battle of wills with Femi tonight. He has been really picky with his eating lately, and then he got sick and had no appetite at all. Now that he is better he is still refusing to eat unless it is something he wants when he wants it. Well I had enough tonight and made him sit at the dinner table for about an hour until he ate his dinner. Then we were taking a bath and he kept tooting and I asked him if he needed to potty and he said no. Well about a minute later I saw turds in the bath. Can we say YUCK! I had to yank Deji out of the water, and I made Femi sit on the potty even though he kept saying he was done. I probably messed up as a parent doing that, but I really didn't care. I know that he knew better, but he chose to poop in the bath. And the other night Ryan was getting ready to put on his Jammies and he peeped on himself and Ryan. That is what babies do! So I know he knows better, but he is just testing us. And on top of it all we put him to bed at 7:45 and at 9:00 he was still up. Can we say power struggle. Well he needs to know that mommy rules the house and no two year old is going to take over.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Home Sick :(

This morning Deji woke up and started throwing up. I first thought it was just spit up with chunks, but then after having breakfast he threw up again. This was right before I left for school, so I took him up there to get a sub and make sub plans. Right before we left he started throwing up again. . We got home and he wanted to eat and I thought an egg would be easy on his tummy, but three bites into it he threw up again. I have called the doctor, but that maybe it is just a 24hour thing. Poor baby, last week was rough and now this.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Deji is back to his old self again. Last week was just horrible. He was cranky, and crabby, and just plain not happy. He didn't laugh for days and that was hard to deal with. I am wondering if it was just his teeth hurting. He has four coming at the same time. Two are in and the other two are half way there. It is just nice to have my smiling, happy boy back.

Big Boy

Femi is growing so fast. Today he went number 2 at daycare. We have been trying to get him to go for a couple of weeks now and finally he went! He was so excited to tell me. He is really working hard to get all his marbles so he can go to the farm again. He had so much fun hanging out with his Paw Paw and cousins. We got see Cameron play basketball while we were there over MLK weekend. I decided not to do the chart again because he filled it up quickly last time and by doing marbles in a jar, he has to really earn his way to the farm. We are trying to get him to tell us that he needs to go, instead of us asking him. Not only is he learning to go potty, but he is just a great big brother. He just loves Deji and tries to include him in his play. Femi has really started to do imaginary playing. He pretends he is a frog hopping, he pretends he is an airplane flying all over the yard, he pretends that he is Dugary from speed racer, and I have to be Mock 5 and Deji is the green car. He has been asking to go to the park lately, but it has been so cold. Saturday was a great day, it was about 50 degrees and we spent a couple of hours outside. It was just nice being outside without have fifty millions layers on. I can't wait for Spring!

Monday, January 18, 2010

No More Bottles!

It is official. Deji is no longer using a bottle. I didn't mean for it to happen so soon. We have been cutting back on the number of bottles he has in a day. Basically he had one in the morning at night. Well we went to the Farm this weekend because Femi filled his potty chart and I forgot to pack a bottle for Deji. He did fine without it, so when we got home we packed up all of the bottles. My baby is not a baby any more. :(

Mom's Little helper

Femi loves helping in the kitchen. Whenever I am cooking he is there to help cut, stir, or taste. I love that he likes to help. Not only do we spend time together, but he is getting trained for his future wife.

Monday, January 4, 2010

I year check up and Blue mouth.

Deji Finally had his one year check up. Of course his is perfectly healthy. He had to get four shots today. :( Poor baby. I felt so bad having to hold him while he was crying. It is funny that with Femi's first year check up, I was telling Dr. Morris that I was pregnant again. Well Deji weighed 24lbs and is in the 75th percentile, he is 31 inches tall and in the 85th percentile. He is catching up to big brother! Speaking of big brother, he got a hold of a marker and ended up with a blue mouth for the night.

Strange Bed Fellows

Last night when I went to check on the boys before going to bed I noticed that Femi had a bed buddy. I will let the picture speak for itself. He is so into the farm right now. Like today he would not take off his coat because he thought we were going to the farm after he got home from daycare. I had to bribe him to take off his coat.

On a bright note, I am using his love for the farm to motivate him to use the potty. I created a potty chart for him. Hopefully it will work. I will let you know soon. Here is picture of my lovely chart. Tonight he did a great job of asking to go number two. Ryan had him in bed already and all of a sudden he said he had to go poop. He wouldn't let Ryan take him, for some reason I am the only one he wants with him in the bathroom when he does his business, maybe it is the signing that he likes. Anyway he did a great job. Boy this boy has a lot of poop inside him. No I did not take a picture this time. :)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Potty Time and Hellos

We have been trying to potty train Femi over break. He goes number one and number two when I take him, but if I don't take him he doesn't ask to go. So what is the trick to having him let me know that he needs to go? I guess it is just time. He does like sitting on the potty. In fact we have spent some good quality time on the potty. I started teaching him how to sign the ABCs so every time we go he wants me to show him how to sign. He is getting very good at signing A, B, C, E and O. He loves the movement of J. Another thing that we love to do while on the potty is check to see if the poop is coming yet. You have to be there to appreciate it. This morning the poop just kept coming and coming. I would ask him if he was done yet and he would say no and sure enough more poop would come out. I didn't understand how so much poop can come out of such a little body. Of course I took a picture, but I will keep it to myself. If you really want to see it, I can email it to you. :)

Deji has just grown so much over the last two weeks. He has really started saying words. His latest is saying hello. He is so cute when he says it. I really do need to get a flip camera so that I can easily record these moments.


Having Fun in the Leaves


Playing and Making Messes Together